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Sunday 1 December 2013

Android Programming and development

Android Programming and development

Installing the Software

Java 6


Android SDK base

Eclipse ADT Plugin

Updated SDK components

AVD (Android Virtual Device).
Java SE 6
  Use Java 6 (aka JDK 1.6)
Java 5 supported only by older Android versions

Java 7 can technically be used, but new Java 7 features not supported

For Windows \ Linux, follow directions at

Get JDK, not just JRE

Get SE (Standard Edition), not EE nor ME editions

Don’t get version with the Net Beans IDE 


Eclipse is a free open source IDE (Integrated Development Environment). Support for Java, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, C++, PHP, and more. 
Google has free Eclipse plugin to integrate with the Android SDK.
              •Checks your syntax as you type 
              •Automatically compiles every time you save file 
               •Refactoring, debugging, templates for common tasks, etc. 
             •Deploy apps to Android emulator 
             •Configure virtual environments 
             •Drag-and-drop GUI builder  
             •  Go to

  •  use “for Java”

 – Latest version (3.7 –INDIGO ) recommended.

 – No installer, just Unzip the downloaded file

The Android SDK


Android-specific libraries

Dalvik (Android Virtual Machine) compiler

Android emulator (to run without physical device)

DDMS (Dalvik Debug Monitor Server ) debugging environment

The Android SDK Documentation


Developer’s Guide

JavaDoc(API Reference)

Tutorials and articles

Download and run  installer


E.g. install in C:\android-sdk

Sets up basic SDK, but omits many components

Detailed instructions

Postponed step

After installing Eclipse plugin, we will run the Android  SDK Manager to get important missing components

Easiest to do from Eclipse. See upcoming slide after Eclipse ADT installation.

Eclipse ADT Plugin

ADT (Android Development Tools) provides many useful features accessible directly in Eclipse
Integration between Eclipse & Android command-line tools
Drag-and-drop GUI builder
Many development and debugging aids
Detailed installation instructions

More details

Installing Eclipse ADT


Start Eclipse

Help – Install New Software …

Click “Add” in upper-right

In Add Repository, for Name

   enter “ADT Plugin” and for 


Click OK, select checkbox next to Developer Tools, 
Next, see packages to be installed

Accept license, Finish.

Restart Eclipse if asked.

Run Android SDK Manager

Should be prompted; if not, Windows - Android SDK Manager

   Updating SDK Components

   •Run Android SDK manager

Window - Android SDK Manager

    •Probably prompted automatically after installing ADT plugin and restarting Eclipse

Select all entries, except that you can omit Android versions older than 2.2

Click “Install n packages”

Runs for a longtime   

Detailed instructions

Android Virtual Devices (AVDs)

An AVD (Android Virtual Device) is an Android Emulator  configuration that lets you model an actual device by defining hardware and software options.

 –Define several AVDs at different Android API levels to test against.

At least two:

Newest version (e.g., 4.1 –Jelly Bean)

Most common version (2.3.3 as of 2012)

To see statistics for versions of currently used Android devices, see

Detailed instructions

 Defining an AVD

Window -> AVD Manager

Click on “New” at top. Choose name (arbitrary) and options. You can (should!) create multiple AVDs.


Target (i.e., target API version)

4.1 to test tablet and new features

2.3.3 to test most common phones

SD Card size

Can be omitted. Or, choose middle

of the road value, e.g., 4 GB


Use default for the target you chose

Configuring Eclipse ADT

Set SDK Location

Window –> Preferences -> Android -> Click Browse and point at place you installed the SDK

Optional: disable sending stats to Google

Window -> Preferences -> Android -> Usage Stats

Running Apps

Ways to run

On the Android Emulator. Deploy directly from Eclipse.

During development, do your normal testing here

On an Android device. Deploy from your PC via USB.

Other options covered online

On an Android device. Deploy from a Web site.

On an Android device. Deploy via email.

On and Android device. Deploy from the Android Market
Running Apps on Android Emulator  

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